
Classroom Management Solutions for Teachers: new methodologies, effective motivation, cooperation and evaluation strategies




Press release



       The second teacher-training course of the Erasmus + KA 101 "School - A Chance for a Better Future" Project took place in Florence between 3rd December and 9th December 2018.

    The course title is: "Classroom Management Solutions for Teachers: new methodologies, effective motivation, cooperation and evaluation strategies."
      This course was attended by: Lidia Mihaela Neculăeş - Romanian language and literature teacher, Luminiţa Liliana Călin - Romanian language and literature teacher, Mihaela Păuleţi - primary school teacher and Marcela Luiza Pal - Chemistry teacher. There were also teachers from schools in Portugal, Bulgaria and Germany.

     The course aimed at identifying the methods and techniques for improving classroom management and motivating students to engage in the teaching-learning activity, to reduce absenteeism and school failure.

      During the course, the participants learned about the Flipped Classroom Method and the Edmondo platform. There were also issues related to Hard Skill and Soft Skill.[see more]
  • Neculăeș Lidi Mihaela - Romanian language and literature teacher, principal of "Bogdan Voda" Theoretical Highschool, Hălăuceşti, and coordinator of the project


  • Călin Luminița - Romanian language and literature teacher


  • Păuleți Mihaela - primary school teacher  


  • Pal Marcela - Chemistry teacher.


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  • Activități desfăşurate in cadrul cursului "Classroom Management Solutions for Teachers: new metho-dologies, effective moti-vation, cooperation and evaluation strategies"      

  • PPS